Tweet Tweet, Oinked The Pig
Is Twitter amazing or what?
The Pig is getting addicted fast, tweeting what must be every 15 minutes. I'm tweeting everything from random thoughts to Chuck Norris jokes to everything WoW. Promise I won't tweet about bathroom breaks like what most people do (too gross even for me) or what goes on in my bedroom (hubba hubba).
Follow WoW Gold Pig on Twitter:

That's the URL. Now be a good piglet and follow my oink, I mean, tweet!
The Pig is getting addicted fast, tweeting what must be every 15 minutes. I'm tweeting everything from random thoughts to Chuck Norris jokes to everything WoW. Promise I won't tweet about bathroom breaks like what most people do (too gross even for me) or what goes on in my bedroom (hubba hubba).
Follow WoW Gold Pig on Twitter:
That's the URL. Now be a good piglet and follow my oink, I mean, tweet!
Labels: buy cheap wow gold, buy wow gold, tweet, twitter, wow gold pig, wowgoldpig
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