Sunday, December 13, 2009

Who We Want In Warcraft Part 1

Please excuse us for being away for so long. My fellow piggies here needed time off to attend to personal business, a few did some holiday hoarding shopping while I caught a nasty case of the flu (thanks a LOT, Nick). Good thing I didn’t have to go to the hospital. I did, however, stay in bed for a couple of days. So off to movie marathon land I went.

There are tons of holiday movies that have made it to WoW Gold Pig’s ultimate movie marathon list. And then there are those that we’re including in advance. Warcraft, a potential blockbuster of a movie, is one of them.

So I IMDB-ed it and found that the projected release date is sometime in 2011. Twenty-eleven. TWENTY FRIGGIN ELEVEN.

Two years is a long time dammit. But with Sam Raimi taking the reins on this one, I have high hopes that the film is in mighty good hands. Who doesn’t think the Spiderman movie series kick serious ass?

Ok, going back to Warcraft. I must admit that I’m very particular when it comes to casting. So if I had it my way, here are the actors I would choose to play the following male characters:

Gerard Butler as Varian Wrynn

You’ve seen him as King Leonidas in 300 so he’s a great fit for the role. Dude, seriously, I bowed down to his impossibly defined eight-pack.

Jason Statham as Thrall

He’s got the appeal and built down, that’s for sure. Plus, he’s just plain intimidating even when he’s not in character.

Alexander Skarsgard as Arthas

Watch True Blood and you’ll see that he has that commanding, powerful presence needed to portray the fallen hero.

I’ll follow up with the women so stay tuned for part 2!

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