500,000 WoW Gold Contest Extended!
Stop the presses! Today is a monumental event in human pig history! NAME THE TWITTER PIG HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO JUNE 30TH! Due to popular demand and one VERY special occasion.
Now am I a cool son or what?
She's can be a bit crazy but she's the bestest mom in the world. She's tough as nails. She also taught me how to stand up to bullies in junior high.
Using a 9-volt battery, a tin can, and lots of butter.
Don't ask.
So I got her a bouquet of roses, a custard cream pie and a nice lil' green sweater (all her favorites). I also brought Amy, a girl I've been going out a while with. I just thought I'd introduce her to my mom, y'know.
With a puff of cigar smoke, she pensively took the presents as I greeted her an obnoxiously loud "Happy birthday, mom!" Was I proud of myself, dude. "Mom, this is my girlfriend, Amy."
She gave her a thorough eye and took another puff of her Cuban cigar.
"Why?" she nonchalantly said.
'Why?' Why!? Why is she my girlfriend? Why is she brunette? Why does she have a tacky shirt on? Why is she female!? Man, that caught me off guard. The rest of dinner was spent in awkward silence and her telling me to eat my vegetables every 6 minutes. Cray-zeeeee!!!
Did I mention that Amy never talked to me after that?
I swear, my mother really drives me up the wall sometimes.
Still, this crazy lady is MY MOMMA. Happy birthday, you old battle ax!

(and no, that's not really her but it's an accurate representation)
You've got another month more to Name the Twitter Pig - don't pass up on the chance to win 500,000 World of Warcraft Gold! Join today!
Now am I a cool son or what?
She's can be a bit crazy but she's the bestest mom in the world. She's tough as nails. She also taught me how to stand up to bullies in junior high.
Using a 9-volt battery, a tin can, and lots of butter.
Don't ask.
So I got her a bouquet of roses, a custard cream pie and a nice lil' green sweater (all her favorites). I also brought Amy, a girl I've been going out a while with. I just thought I'd introduce her to my mom, y'know.
With a puff of cigar smoke, she pensively took the presents as I greeted her an obnoxiously loud "Happy birthday, mom!" Was I proud of myself, dude. "Mom, this is my girlfriend, Amy."
She gave her a thorough eye and took another puff of her Cuban cigar.
"Why?" she nonchalantly said.
'Why?' Why!? Why is she my girlfriend? Why is she brunette? Why does she have a tacky shirt on? Why is she female!? Man, that caught me off guard. The rest of dinner was spent in awkward silence and her telling me to eat my vegetables every 6 minutes. Cray-zeeeee!!!
Did I mention that Amy never talked to me after that?
I swear, my mother really drives me up the wall sometimes.
Still, this crazy lady is MY MOMMA. Happy birthday, you old battle ax!

(and no, that's not really her but it's an accurate representation)
You've got another month more to Name the Twitter Pig - don't pass up on the chance to win 500,000 World of Warcraft Gold! Join today!
Labels: 500K wow gold, buy cheap wow gold, name the twitter pig, world of warcraft
If that's the "accurate representation" of your mother, well, she's cool. But does she wear that read thing on her head too? ^.^
Anyway, good thing the contest is extended. Meaning, lot more people will submit their entries. Ich bin begeistert!!! Tee hee hee~
@EjomLexus: The red hat is symbolic. And yeah, more entries equals more fun. Awesome!
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